Legal Aid NSW
The Legal Aid NSW website has information about Legal Aid services and how we can assist young people. Legal Aid provides free representation to any young person facing a criminal charge in the Childrens Court of NSW. We provide advice to young people in Detention Centres through our visiting legal service. We also provide free telephone legal advice on the Youth Hotline 1800 10 18 10. The Hotline operates from 9.00am til midnight during the week, and 24 hours on the weekend.
Lawstuff / The National Childrens and Youth Law Centre
This is a fantastic legal information website for young people. It has information and factsheets on everything from car accidents, mobile phones, bullying, social security / centrelink, getting a tattoo, problems at school etc. You can also email legal questions which will be answered by a lawyer.
The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
The Shopfront website is the best and most comprehensive web archive of good quality, legally accurate, plain-english legal information for youth workers and young people. Their Factsheets cover many aspects of criminal law and policing, as well as Public Space, Fines, AVO's, Housing, Discrimination, Family Law, Centrelink and Employment. To access this information click on the link 'Legal Info for Youth Workers'. There are over 30 factsheets in this section which are very detailed and regularly updated.
Victims Services
The Victims Services website has extensive information about where to go for help and support if you are a victim of crime. There are links to many other organisations within this site, and information about how to access free counselling and make applications for compensation if you are a victim of crime.
Y Foundations
Y Foundations has lots of info on its website to help young people find emergency refuge accommodation. This includes a link to a search engine which can help you find an available refuge and lists current vacancies.